Argos telekinesis
Virtual Reality, 2016
Underneath an incessant flow textual clues are found, threats from a journey yet-to-be-taken. The notion of a distant gaze and dynamic passivity connect to telekinesis and the secret sites of poeisis. The abyss is not only virtual but also potential.
Argos telekinesis is a virtual space created with colour and text, performed by the reader. The technology explores the promising points between the expanded text and interactions in the realm of virtuality. Every reading of the work is unrepeatable because the duration and direction of the experience is individually defined and based on VR technology, which responds to the viewer-reader’s eye and head movements.
As an investigation into weather prospects and astrometeorogy, the text-based work happens only in the moment of attendance. What emerges are multiple durations and unconquered territories; routes divide into numerous ends as the journey of Argos Navis continues in virtual reality. The viewer encounters an endless stream of information: future forecasts and planetary poetics that fluctuate according to one’s reading.
While travelling across the unknown topographies, one encounters danger that the disaster acquires meaning.
To form is a speculative action, because the form does not hold.
Planets in direct opposition spoil the rains.
To experience a cyclical growth and translation of light.
Atmospheric momentum.